Friday, February 26, 2010

Sanyo Massage Chairs

The Sanyo Massage Chairs Give Soothing Massage Therapy

by Greta Jones

There are many high-end massage chairs worthy of your attention. However, only a few stand out in the crowd. Although Sanyo is relatively new in the massage chair market, they have put together some very advanced feature sets. In fact, they have some fairly sophisticated electronic devices used to customize the massage for you. Let's take a look at the Sanyo massage chairs.

Sanyo massage chairs have they are high-end model DR 7700. The DR 7700 has some very advanced features. They use various sensors and sophisticated software to determine your body position and other vital signs. This model is known to take your pulse rate and perspiration rate.

Would you believe that the DR 7700 comes with a stress sensor? The stress sensor is actually a technologies exchange utilizing the basic technology of lie detectors. This is perhaps the best trade-off and the Sanyo chair. This system uses a mouse device to read various bodily signs.

This stress sensor makes a determination of where you have stress points on your back. This information is then fed into the system's computer. These massage programs will be adjusted de son where your stress points are determined. Your stress points will actually light up on the LCD screen while the chair systematically attacked each point.

The body shape sensor is another electronic device in the DR 7700. The body shape sensor determines where your present position is in the recliner. If you move during the massage, it didn't rescan chair body and determines its new position. This information is used to better customize the massage.

The Sanyo massage chair model DR 7700 has quite an array of sensors. This is a great first attempt at reading bodily signs and adjusting the massage. However, it seems that other therapeutic features common in other chairs have been left out at the expense of these new sensor systems.

The GK roller system is an effective massage therapy with its new over the top of the shoulder design. This enables a group like massage to be given over the tops of your shoulders. This is effective for relieving tension and the shoulder and upper back.

The GK roller system is definitely the type of technology that we like to see and massage chairs. It definitely makes a difference in the massage and is an important feature. We certainly like the direction that Sanyo is going with this piece of technology.

Getting a good foot massage is a great way to relax the entire body. It has been known for centuries that the feet are the gateway to relax in the body. Reflexology foot massage has been incorporated in the Sanyo massage chairs. This provides a shiatsu massage to the lower legs while applying reflexology to the foot.

Heat is also a very therapeutic feature. We were a bit disappointed that the DR 7700 only had heat for the feet. There is a heaters located in each foot well to aid in the reflexology massage. Many people like the addition of heat to assist with enhancing circulation and reducing swelling. It is also comfortable to have heat while getting a massage to warm up different parts of your body.

The interesting thing about the Sanyo massage chairs is that the above features are used in all of their models. Whether it is the high-end luxury model or their entry level model SR 1000, the technology platform is the same. Since the technology doesn't change throughout the chairs, it is worthwhile to see if the middle tier or entry-level chair is sufficient to meet your needs. Sanyo makes high-quality chairs and provides good warranty coverage for their chairs.

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